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Work AI
Agile Unternehmen steuern anders

Bleiben Sie innovations- und wettbewerbsfähig. Mit agilem Mindset und Methoden für kundenorientiertes Projektmanagement.

Warum Work AI?

Work AIbietet Unternehmen die nötigen Werkzeuge und Methoden, um Teams in die Lage zu versetzen, ​transparent, eigenverantwortlich und flexibel auf sich ändernde Ziele und Problemstellungen reagieren zu können. ​
Dabei kann auch Künstliche Intelligenz eine tragende Rolle spielen. Sprechen Sie uns an, wir beraten Sie gerne!.

KI für Ihr Unternehmen

Innovationsdruck und Wettbewerb nehmen zu.

Wertschöpfungsmodelle haben sich gravierend verändert. Der Wettbewerbsdruck steigt immens. Unternehmen müssen innovative Produkte und Services hervorbringen – wer immer schneller und immer komplexer. Erfolgreich ist heute, am schnellsten auf Änderungen und sein Umfeld reagieren kann und gleichzeitig den Vorsprung am Markt schafft.

Organizations are changing.

Management’s role, the lack of flexible processes, the cumbersome decision-making processes, the increased customer-centricity, and the need to stay ahead of your competitors has made managing and adapting to change an enormous challenge for organizations. What should organizations do? Embrace the agility journey. Siloed organizational structures are a thing of the past. Client-centricity, pressure to innovate require agile organizations. Mostly cross-functional teams work on projects and campaigns which are focused on customer-centricity.

Innovate Work steers the agile transformation in the right direction.

Innovate Work steers the agile transformation in the right direction.

Innovate Work blends an agile mindset, agile methods and tools for successful transformations. Your organization will become customer-centric capturing growth opportunities and delivering superior customer-journey experiences. Agility fosters higher employee engagement and improves employees’ job satisfaction. Furthermore, employee satisfaction contributes to shareholder value- a win-win situation.

Innovation and agility – the key to success

Organizations need to change in the face of rapid change and complex markets. We help organizations become more agile and increase their potential to foster innovation. With our Innovate Work approach, we integrate leadership issues, transform companies into innovative product and service organisations and use information technology to improve quality and efficiency. We often achieve a significant reduction in process costs.

Unsere Work AI Services

Achieve organizational agility with the following services:

Promote communication and transparency.

Not only do we support our clients with IT tools, we work with them to define management relevant goals and key figures. For example, we use methods such as Balanced Scorecards or Objective and Key results (OKRs) to ensure continuity (or alignment) between strategy and operational implementation. With our approach we generate results and increase project transparency for all stakeholders.

Installation of Governance and Compliance structures

Business organizations need to remain flexible throughout the entire change process and beyond. We therefore highly value adhering to the Governance, Risk, Compliance (GRC) principles. We make compliance a priority to protect your reputation and ensure your long-term success. Our clients benefit from our experience and certifications. Tisson & Company is your sparring partner and mentor.

Introduction to self-managing and cross-functional teams

The attitude and motivation of employees and teams are essential prerequisites for agile and successful organizations. Delegation, self-directed employees, personal growth and development play important roles in contributing to this success. Our experience has shown that employee working practices require a framework to adapt during an agile transformation. With the Innovate Work approach we create customer-oriented organizational structures. Employees and teams are held responsible and accountable for customer-oriented services and are empowered to make appropriate decisions aligned with the organization’s strategy.

Introduction to agile project management

Agile approaches were initially introduced in the IT sector. We have adapted and combined the principles of the agile method to modern service management. An analysis of the organization’s service structure is our first step in the agile transformation journey. In collaboration with management, employees, and teams we develop an efficient service structure which cater their needs. As a result, employees or teams take on Service Ownership and responsibility for the customer interface. Our Innovative Work approach promises an innovative and efficient agile transformation.

In-house training for agile controlling

We have had proven success with our in-house training at the Haufe Akademie and Management Circle. Our in depth and up to date knowledge in agile management covers a wide range of topics permitting us to find the right solutions for your organization. We transfer our training expertise to our clients’ with our in-house training, be it in Service Catalogue Management, Service Owner or Agile Controlling. Feel free to contact us. We can design a tailored offer which caters your needs.

Introduction to digital services

We will help you shape your future with the digitalization of internal, external or new services improving efficiency drastically. Your clients could benefit from our innovative and competitive products. Challenge us!

In der Praxis

Sie wollen wissen, wie work AI in der Praxis helfen kann? Wir zeigen es Ihnen.

tisson & company use case

Motivation durch (virtuelle) Selbststeuerung

Work Management | Selbststeuernde Teams

Wie organisatorische Maßnahmen die Performance beim Kunden verbesserte.

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tisson & company use case

Innovation durch Agilität

Work Management | Agilität

Mit kundenorientierter und agiler Organisation zu besserer Wettbewerbsfähigkeit

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tisson & company use case

Kundenorientierte Service-Organisation im HR-Bereich

Work Management | Agile Organisation

Wie wir eine horizontale und kundenorientierte Service-Organisation einführten

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Recent contributions

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Embracing Idea Management Service in Our Company!

Remote Work | Tools and Methods | Idea Management

Why Idea Management Matters!


In the fast-paced world of modern business, staying ahead requires embracing fresh ideas. Being stuck …

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Arbeiten, wo andere Urlaub machen! Agil in die Arbeit der Zukunft!

Agiles Arbeiten | Arbeit der Zukunft | Remote Work

Ob mit den Füßen im warmen Sand oder im angesagtesten Café der Hamburger Schanze: Arbeiten wo und wann ich es …

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New Work ist mehr als seinen Mitarbeitern einen Tag Homeoffice zu gewähren!

New Work | Agiles Arbeiten | Remote Office

Bedeutet New Work in Ihrem Unternehmen, dass Sie Ihren Mitarbeitern einen Tag Homeoffice in der Woche "gewähren"? Oder denken Sie …

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Ressourcen what? Oder: Wer, wann, wie lange, wie viel?

Work Management | Digitalisierung | Adobe Workfront

Ressourcen what? Oder: Wer, wann, wie lange, wie viel?

Warum Transparenz für meine Projekte wichtig ist.


Die Antwort nehmen …

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Die Welt dreht sich für Unternehmen immer schneller! Digitalisierung und Digitization sind gefragt!

Digitalisierung | Adobe Workfront | Digitization | work management

Die Welt dreht sich für Unternehmen immer schneller!

Digitalisierung und Digitization sind gefragt.


Vielfach ist bei Unternehmen immer noch …

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Die Welt dreht sich für Unternehmen immer schneller! Digitalisierung und Digitization sind gefragt!

Digitalisierung | Adobe Workfront | Digitization | work management

Die Welt dreht sich für Unternehmen immer schneller!

Digitalisierung und Digitization sind gefragt.


Vielfach ist bei Unternehmen immer noch …

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